function of enzymes for kids and student


enzymes are protein which speedup chemical reaction inside living organism by minimizing the activation energy,they are biological catalysts.

function  enzymes

the most important function of enzymes is to help in digestion ,the process of turning the food we eat energy for e.g enzymes in our saliva intestines stomach and pancrease the brake down protein carbo hydrate in fact enzymes also halp in breathing ,nerve function muscle building 

the most comman digestive enzyme are carbohydrate, lipase and protein        

Mechanism of Enzyme Action 

Lock and key model

Ind used fit model

Lock and key model

in 1994,German  chemist email fisher give lock and key model to describe lock and key model to describe mechanisms of enzyme action 

according to this model as a specific key open a specific lock like wise a specific attached with specific substrate  

Induced fit model

in 1958,american biologist Danial koshland propose induce fit model to modify lock and key model 

according to this shape of enzymes not fixed enzymes change its according to the shape of given l available substrata 

specificity of enzyme

about 2000 enzymes are know today 

enzyme are very specific t words their substrate

proteases only break down proteins 

lipase   only brake down lipids

amylase only brect

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