history of cell for kids and student


cell is the basic unit of life 

history of cell


presented  idea that plant and animals are some how related 

Rabort Hooke the

in 1665,he discovered cell by using self made light microscope while examining nin thin slice of cork he obsewed honey comb like comportment and called then cellular 

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

he observed tiny organisms under microscope and called them animal ales 

rabort brown

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck 

he proposed that ho body here life if its body part are not composed cellular tissue


in 1838,he discovered uncles

Matthias Jacob

in 1838, he studied he study plant tissue first statement of cell theory all living organisms are made up of cell

Theodor Schwann 

in 1839 he study animals tissue and propsed that like plant tissue animal tissue are also composed of individul cells

rudolf virchow
in 1885 he propsed that the new cell are from pre existing cells
louis pasteur

in 1862 louis pasteur experimentally proof that new cell are from pro exiting cell 

all organisms are composed of one or more cell

cell is basic structure and function of life

new cell are from pro existing cells

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